Hickson 34 (GxG)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
Hickson 34, HCG34, Arp327 |
Type: |
GxG |
Constellation: |
Ori |
Coordinates: |
05h21m47.00s / +06°41'00.00" |
Group Members: |
NGC1875 |
13m.7 |
0.8'×0.7' |
PGC17173 |
b18m.3 |
0.2'×0.2' |
PGC17175 |
b17m.1 |
0.4'×0.2' |
PGC17176 |
b17m.4 |
0.4'×0.2' |
Southeastern of the dominant NGC1875 are the three much more fainter members, which are arranged in a curved chain.
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 216x, Bortle 5+, SQM-L 20.9
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.3 I've only tried the bright NGC1875 of course: Altitude of about 40°. Appeared round, almost evenly bright, difficult to hold with averted vision.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 160x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 131x ist NGC 1875 indirekt als zarte Aufhellung sichtbar - bei 160x blitzt der Kern mitunter etwas heller hervor
NGC 1819 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC1819, UGC3265 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Ori |
Coordinates: |
05h11m46.15s / +05°12'02.21" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.5 / 1.3'×1.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4+, NELM 6m.0+, SQM-L 21.1
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.4 Roundish with somewhat brighter center. Fairly well perceptible with averted vision, but not evident. Altitude of only 30°.
NGC 1875 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC1875 |
Group: |
HCG34, Arp327 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Ori |
Coordinates: |
05h21m45.74s / +06°41'20.20" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.7 / 0.8'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 216x, Bortle 5+, SQM-L 20.9
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.3 Altitude of about 40°. Appeared round, almost evenly bright, difficult to hold with averted vision.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 160x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 131x ist die Galaxie indirekt als zarte Aufhellung sichtbar - bei 160x blitzt der Kern mitunter etwas heller hervor
NGC 1924 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC1924, H3.447 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Ori |
Coordinates: |
05h28m01.97s / -05°18'38.33" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.5 / 1.6'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Only 2 degree west of M42! Very faint, appeared roundish, evenly bright.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 160x, SQM-L 21.3
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.5 bei 85x ist die Galaxie als schwaches diffuses Nebelchen zu erkennen - bei 160x ist sie dann eindeutig sichtbar - der Kern ist leicht aufgehellt - die Galaxie bildet mit zwei schwächeren Sternen ein flaches gleichschenkliges Dreieck