Arp 202 (GxG)

Image source: DSS I - 5'×5'
Name: |
Arp202 |
Type: |
GxG |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h00m15.85s / +35°43'25.00" |
Group Members: |
NGC2719 |
(UGC4718, H3.540) |
13m.5 |
1.1'×0.3' (130°) |
NGC2719A |
13m.5 |
0.4'×0.3' (125°) |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 144x, SQM-L 21.3
NGC 2719: bei 72x indirekt als zarter leicht länglicher SO-NW-elongierter Nebelhauch erkennbar - bei 144x direkt sichtbar NGC 2719A: leider hoch genug vergrößert für diese Galaxie
Arp 283 (GxG)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 8'×8'
Name: |
Arp283, VV50 |
Type: |
GxG |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h17m27.00s / +42°00'00.00" |
Group Members: |
NGC2798 |
(UGC4905, VV50A, H2.708) |
12m.3 |
2.8'×0.9' (160°) |
NGC2799 |
(UGC4909, VV50B) |
13m.7 |
1.9'×0.5' (125°) |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 160x, SQM-L 21.3
NGC 2798: bei 111x zeigt sich die Galaxie deutlich größer und heller als die östliche Nachbargalaxie NGC 2799 - kompaktes helles Zentrum - bei 160x beginnt sie ein wenig länglich zu wirken
NGC 2799: bei 111x ist die Galaxie kompakt sichtbar - bei 160x ändert sich nicht viel, der Abstand zu NGC 2798 ist recht groß
Arp 315 (GxG)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
Arp315 |
Type: |
GxG |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h19m45.00s / +33°44'42.00" |
Group Members: |
NGC2830 |
(UGC4941) |
14m.3 |
1.2'×0.3' (110°) |
NGC2831 |
13m.4 |
0.5'×0.5' |
NGC2832 |
(UGC4942, H1.113) |
11m.9 |
3.0'×2.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 5
Easy is only the bright NGC2832: barely seen with direct vision, roundish, diffuse, getting brighter toward the middle. The other two galaxies weren't visible even at 150x.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 288x, SQM-L 21.3
NGC 2830: leider nicht darauf geachtet
NGC 2831: bei 206x indirekt südlich vom Zentrum der Galaxie NGC 2832 als schwächere Aufhellung erkennbar
NGC 2832: bei 72x ist direkt ein kleiner diffuser Nebelfleck sichtbar - das Zentrum wirkt indirekt etwas heller, nicht stellar - vermutlich der Kern von NGC 2832 - bei 160x hat der Nebelfleck eine eigenartige Struktur - bei 206x und 288x zeigt sich das Zentrum indirekt zweigeteilt, südlich vom Zentrum der Galaxie NGC 2832 wird NGC 2831 als schwächere Aufhellung sichtbar - beide Aufhellungen wechseln sich von der Sichtbarkeit her ab und sind nie zusammen sichtbar - witzig
IC 2166 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
IC2166, UGC3463 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h26m55.63s / +59°04'48.39" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.0 / 3.0'×2.1' |
Robert Zebahl |
152mm f/5.9, 129x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Already seen at 37x as a very faint nebula. At 100x slightly oval, very faint, evenly bright. Fainter star southwest.
IC 2233 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
IC2233, UGC4278 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h13m58.91s / +45°44'31.74" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 4.6'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
120mm f/5, 85x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
The 13.07 mag star in the northern part of the galaxy I could easily see with averted vision. The galaxy stayed hidden.
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 6+, NELM 5m.2, SQM-L 19.6
At 100x just a hint of a galaxy at the limit of perception. At 150x the galaxy appeared as faint, elongated, thin glow. North of the galaxy an apparent field star.
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Relatively easily seen as very faint, elongated & thin brightening with averted vision. Just an evenly bright glow. Nearby an interfering 10.16 mag star. Faint 13.15 mag star inside the nothern extension. Bright NGC2537 (Bear Paw) 17' northwest.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 72x zeigt sich ein dünner zarter Strich stellarem Zentrum - die Galaxie steht schön westlich eines helleren Sterns - bei 111x blinkt leicht nördlich vom Zentrum der Galaxie immer wieder der Vordergrundstern durch - Ausdehnung 5:1
IC 2461 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
IC2461, UGC4943 |
Type: |
Gx, Sy2 |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h19m58.03s / +37°11'27.77" |
Brightness / Size: |
b15m.1 / 2.4'×0.5' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 160x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 160x zeigt sich indirekt mit viel Geduld ein matter kaum elongierter Fleck - bei 206x wird es nicht besser
NGC 2273 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2273, UGC3546 |
Type: |
Gx, Sy2 |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h50m08.66s / +60°50'44.50" |
Brightness / Size: |
11m.7 / 3.2'×2.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Already seen at 37x, moderately small, roundish, almost evenly bright. At 150x compact, slightly brighter core, surrounded by an evenly bright, round, faint halo.
NGC 2273A (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2273A, UGC3504 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h40m07.05s / +60°04'50.38" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 2.7'×2.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Very faint, evenly bright, slightly oval.
NGC 2273B (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2273B, UGC3530 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h46m31.58s / +60°20'25.28" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.5 / 2.7'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Oval, diffuse brightening. Southwest a brighter field star at the edge.
NGC 2308 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2308, UGC3618 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h58m37.63s / +45°12'38.19" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.2 / 1.8'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 210x, Bortle 4
Extremely faint, roundish.
NGC 2315 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2315, UGC3633 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h02m33.04s / +50°35'26.18" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.6 / 1.3'×0.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4
Thin, broadening toward the middle, tapering endings. Orientation NW-SE. Fairly well seen with averted vision, but also faint.
NGC 2320 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2320, UGC3659, H2.861 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h05m42.02s / +50°34'51.97" |
Brightness / Size: |
11m.9 / 1.4'×0.8' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4
Located nearby a brighter star. Obviously elongated (NW-SE). Easily seen with averted vision.
NGC 2321 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2321, UGC3663 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h05m59.04s / +50°45'21.04" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.6 / 1.4'×1.1' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4
Roundish, diffuse. Difficult to hold permanently.
NGC 2322 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2322, UGC3662, H3.874 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h06m00.29s / +50°30'37.04" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.8 / 1.1'×0.4' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4
Slightly elongated, faint. Orientation NW-SE.
NGC 2326 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2326, UGC3681, H2.734 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h08m11.04s / +50°40'55.07" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.1 / 1.8'×1.8' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4
Moderately faint, evenly bright. Well seen with averted vision. Low surface brightness.
NGC 2329 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2329, UGC3695, H2.735, H3.875 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h09m07.97s / +48°36'56.15" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.4 / 1.3'×1.1' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 66x, Bortle 4
Roundish brightening.
NGC 2332 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2332, H2.862 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h09m34.18s / +50°10'55.98" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.8 / 1.5'×1.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4
Diffuse brightening without distinct core. Shape hardly noticeable. Roundish to slightly oval.
NGC 2334 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2334, IC465 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h11m33.67s / +50°14'54.32" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.7 / 0.9'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 200x, Bortle 4
Only tried short.
NGC 2337 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2337, UGC3711 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h10m13.58s / +44°27'26.41" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.4 / 2.3'×1.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 210x, Bortle 4
Slightly oval.
NGC 2340 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2340, UGC3720, H2.736 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h11m10.80s / +50°10'28.90" |
Brightness / Size: |
11m.7 / 1.8'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4
Relatively small, diffuse, faint.
NGC 2415 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2415, UGC3930, H2.821 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h36m56.73s / +35°14'31.04" |
Brightness / Size: |
b12m.5 / 0.9'×0.9' |
René Merting |
100mm f/6.4, 49x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 49x ist an der betreffenden Stelle ein schwacher Stern erkennbar, in dessen Nähe bei indirektem Sehen in allen weiteren Vergrößerungen eine schwache Aufhellung erkennbar ist
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 72x ist die Galaxie als diffuser Schimmer erkennbar - zur Mitte hin heller werdend - bei 111x wird die Galaxie deutlicher, sie bleibt diffus ohne echte Begrenzung
NGC 2424 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2424, UGC3959 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h40m39.32s / +39°14'00.30" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 3.6'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4
Small, slightly elongated, faint.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 72x Sichtbarkeit an der Wahrnehmungsgrenze, indirekt ist eine schwache OW-ausgedehnte Aufhellung erkennbar - die Superthin liegt schön diagonal zwischen zwei Sternen - bei 111x wird die Sichtbarkeit besser und hin und wieder blitzt die wahre Länge durch - das Zentrum wirkt dicker und heller
NGC 2431 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2431, NGC2436, UGC3999, H3.829 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h45m13.49s / +53°04'31.00" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.4 / 0.9'×0.9' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Barely seen as extremely compact brightening with averted vision.
NGC 2446 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2446, UGC4027 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h48m39.26s / +54°36'43.09" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.9 / 1.9'×1.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Oval with slightly brighter core. Two faint stars N at the edge.
NGC 2456 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2456, UGC4073 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h54m10.65s / +55°29'43.19" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.1 / 1.1'×0.8' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Moderately faint with slight brightening toward the middle.
NGC 2469 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2469, UGC4111, H3.836 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h58m03.44s / +56°40'49.63" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.7 / 1.0'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Roundish, very faint, core slightly brighter.
NGC 2476 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2476, UGC4106 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h56m45.18s / +39°55'39.89" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 1.4'×0.8' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4
Small, compact brightening. Also seen at 80x, but can be confused with a star.
NGC 2488 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2488, UGC4161, H3.837 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h01m45.90s / +56°33'12.06" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.4 / 1.4'×0.8' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Relatively small, round with slightly brighter core.
NGC 2493 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2493, UGC4150, H3.750 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h00m23.67s / +39°49'49.45" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.0 / 1.9'×1.9' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4
Round, brightening toward the middle. Already seen at 80x as compact brightening.
NGC 2497 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2497, UGC4168, H3.838 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h02m11.15s / +56°56'32.54" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.1 / 1.4'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Very compact. Faint star NE.
NGC 2505 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2505, UGC4193, H3.839 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h04m06.82s / +53°32'57.26" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.2 / 1.2'×0.6' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Relatively small, oval. Core slightly brighter.
NGC 2521 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2521, UGC4235 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h08m49.40s / +57°46'10.51" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.8 / 1.2'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Very small, faint with slightly brighter core.
NGC 2534 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2534, UGC4268, H3.840 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h12m54.11s / +55°40'19.18" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.9 / 1.4'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
An interfering 8.0m star S. Galaxy seems roundish with slightly brighter core area.
NGC 2537 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2537, UGC4274, Arp6, H4.55, Bear's Paw Galaxy |
Group: |
NGC2841 Group |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h13m14.64s / +45°59'23.25" |
Brightness / Size: |
11m.7 / 1.7'×1.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
120mm f/5, 75x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
Somewhat conspicuous with averted vision, round, evenly bright with sharply defined shape to some extent.
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 6+, NELM 5m.2, SQM-L 19.6
Round, evenly bright, well defined shape. Barely seen with direct vision.
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Round, evenly bright, barely seen with direct vision. At 37x very small, round. Differences in brightness not noticed.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 45x blinkt ein homogen heller runder Nebel im Gesichtsfeld auf - bei 111x sind kaum Helligkeitsunterschiede feststellbar (südwestlich etwas heller) und die Galaxie wirkt gut begrenzt
NGC 2549 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2549, UGC4313 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h18m58.35s / +57°48'11.19" |
Brightness / Size: |
11m.2 / 3.8'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
At 37x obvious, very bright core. Possible confusion with a star. Very elongated and considerably brighter core with averted vision.
NGC 2649 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2649, UGC4555 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h44m08.27s / +34°43'02.22" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.3 / 1.5'×1.4' |
Robert Zebahl |
102mm f/11, 86x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
NGC 2683 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 10'×10'
Name: |
NGC2683, UGC4641, H1.200 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h52m41.34s / +33°25'18.48" |
Brightness / Size: |
9m.7 / 9.3'×2.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
102mm f/11, 62x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
At 28x already relatively well visible as clearly elongated nebula with averted vision. At 62x almost conspicuous, beautifully elongated, getting slightly brighter towards the middle, but without a distinct nucleus.
8" f/6, 37x, Bortle 4
With averted vision very elongated, otherwise only the brighter core area is obvious.
René Merting |
B 18x70, SQM-L 21.3
die Galaxie ist nördlich von einem schönen Sternfeld erkennbar - auffällig NO-SW-elongiert - ein homogen heller schmaler Strich - Ausdehnung 3:1
76mm f/7.5, 57x, SQM-L 18.8
bei 57x ist die Galaxie als schwacher Schimmer zu erkennen - deutlich länglich und gut definiert
12.5" f/4.5, 144x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 45x phantastischer Anblick, ein heller Lichtbarren mit 4:1-Ausdehnung - das Zentrum ist leicht heller - nordöstlich an der Galaxie klebt ein Feldstern - bei 72x verjüngen sich die Spitzen der Galaxie, längliches Zentrum - bei 144x blinkt indirekt am nordöstlichen Ende der Galaxie ein noch schwächerer Vordergrundstern auf - NGC 2683 wirkt leicht durchgebogen nach Südosten
NGC 2719 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2719, UGC4718, H3.540 |
Group: |
Arp202 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h00m15.77s / +35°43'38.77" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.5 / 1.1'×0.3' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 144x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 72x indirekt als zarter leicht länglicher SO-NW-elongierter Nebelhauch erkennbar - bei 144x direkt sichtbar
NGC 2778 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2778, UGC4840, H2.564 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h12m24.39s / +35°01'38.73" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.4 / 1.4'×1.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 5
Faint, brightening toward the fairly compact core.
NGC 2780 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2780, UGC4843, H3.826 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h12m44.37s / +34°55'31.85" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.3 / 0.9'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 5
Roundish, very faint, evenly bright. Held with averted vision.
NGC 2782 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2782, UGC4862, Arp215, H1.167 |
Type: |
Gx, Sy2 |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h14m05.12s / +40°06'49.68" |
Brightness / Size: |
11m.6 / 3.5'×2.6' |
Robert Zebahl |
152mm f/5.9, 49x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.5
Right next to a faint field star the galaxy appeared quite faint, roundish, rather small, slightly condensed. At 69x similar view. At 100x a second faint field star appears close to the galaxy. The galaxy is a bit easier to see, but still only with averted vision.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 160x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 45x ist ein matter Fleck mit Helligkeitszunahme zum Zentrum hin und einem stellar wirkendes Zentrum sichtbar - bei 160x wirkt die Galaxie recht diffus und der Kern zeigt sich schon etwas kompakter - südlich stehen zwei gleichhelle Sterne, mit denen NGC 2782 ein spitzes Dreieck bildet - bei 206x ist indirekt blickweise eine kompakte Aufhellung östlich der Galaxie sichtbar, die den gleichen Abstand zu Galaxie hat, wie der Abstand der beiden südlich stehenden Sterne zueinander
NGC 2793 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2793, UGC4894 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h16m46.27s / +34°25'54.00" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.1 / 1.2'×1.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 5
Very faint, roundish, evenly bright. Fairly well seen with averted vision. But I don't know, if I only saw the brighter core at the southeastern edge.
NGC 2798 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2798, UGC4905, VV50A, H2.708 |
Group: |
Arp283, VV50 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h17m22.95s / +41°59'58.96" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.3 / 2.8'×0.9' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 160x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 111x zeigt sich die Galaxie deutlich größer und heller als die östliche Nachbargalaxie NGC 2799 - kompaktes helles Zentrum - bei 160x beginnt sie ein wenig länglich zu wirken
NGC 2799 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2799, UGC4909, VV50B |
Group: |
Arp283, VV50 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h17m31.00s / +41°59'38.58" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.7 / 1.9'×0.5' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 111x ist die Galaxie kompakt sichtbar - bei 160x ändert sich nicht viel, der Abstand zu NGC 2798 ist recht groß
NGC 2823 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2823, UGC4935 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h19m17.41s / +34°00'29.03" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.6 / 0.9'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 5
NGC 2825 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2825 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h19m22.42s / +33°44'34.04" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.4 / 0.9'×0.4' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 5
Fairly small, roundish, faint. Barely seen with averted vision.
NGC 2826 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2826, UGC4939 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h19m24.19s / +33°37'26.06" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.6 / 1.6'×0.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 5
Elongated, evenly bright, tapering endings. Held with averted vision fairly well.
NGC 2830 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2830, UGC4941 |
Group: |
Arp315 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h19m41.42s / +33°44'17.00" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.3 / 1.2'×0.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 5
NGC 2831 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2831 |
Group: |
Arp315 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h19m45.49s / +33°44'42.06" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.4 / 0.5'×0.5' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 206x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 206x zeigt sich NGC 2831 indirekt südlich vom Zentrum der Galaxie NGC 2832 als schwächere Aufhellung
NGC 2832 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2832, UGC4942, H1.113 |
Group: |
Arp315 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h19m46.88s / +33°44'59.44" |
Brightness / Size: |
11m.9 / 3.0'×2.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 5
Barely seen with direct vision. Roundish, diffuse, brightening toward the middle.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 288x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 72x ist direkt ein kleiner diffuser Nebelfleck sichtbar - das Zentrum wirkt indirekt etwas heller, nicht stellar - vermutlich der Kern von NGC 2832 - bei 160x hat der Nebelfleck eine eigenartige Struktur - bei 206x und 288x zeigt sich das Zentrum indirekt zweigeteilt, südlich vom Zentrum der Galaxie NGC 2832 wird NGC 2831 als schwächere Aufhellung sichtbar - beide Aufhellungen wechseln sich von der Sichtbarkeit her ab und sind nie zusammen sichtbar - witzig
NGC 2839 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2839 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h20m36.31s / +33°39'03.04" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.2 / 0.5'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 5
Only tried short.
NGC 2840 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2840, UGC4960, H3.827 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h20m52.68s / +35°22'06.24" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.8 / 1.0'×0.9' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4, NELM 6m.0, SQM-L 21.0
Faint, fairly small, roundish, evenly bright. Located nearby a 12.21m star.
UGC 3445 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3445 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h21m32.76s / +59°07'36.07" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.4 / 1.5'×0.3' |
Worthwile! Together with UGC3446 an enexpectedly bright pair of galaxies. Both galaxies fairly easily seen with 8 inch, even under a suburban sky.
Robert Zebahl |
102mm f/11, 160x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
Almost permanently seen as very faint brightening with averted vision. Seeing the galaxies UGC 3445/6 separated was almost impossible.
4.5" f/8, 128x, Bortle 7, NELM 4m.5
4.5" f/8, 100x, Bortle 4, NELM 6m.0
Roundish, diffuse. Slightly brighter than UGC3446. Fairly easily held with averted vision.
152mm f/5.9, 150x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
Separation from the nearby UGC 3446 is at 129x rather difficult, at 150x and 180x more or less good. The galaxy appears elongated, moderately condensed, but also pretty dim.
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 7, NELM 4m.5
Quite small, faint, diffuse, roundish brightening. Appeared a bit brighter than UGC3446.
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Both galaxies (UGC3445 & UGC3446) already seen at 37x as faint, slightly elongated brightening with averted vision. At 100x nicly separated from UGC3446, roundish with obviously brighter core area. No elongation seen.
UGC 3446 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3446 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h21m39.14s / +59°07'31.90" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 1.4'×0.9' |
Worthwile! Together with UGC3445 an enexpectedly bright pair of galaxies. Both galaxies fairly easily seen with 8 inch, even under a suburban sky.
Robert Zebahl |
102mm f/11, 160x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
Almost permanently seen as very faint brightening with averted vision. Seeing the galaxies UGC 3445/6 separated was almost impossible.
4.5" f/8, 128x, Bortle 7, NELM 4m.5
4.5" f/8, 100x, Bortle 4, NELM 6m.0
Roundish, diffuse. A bit fainter than UGC3445. Barely held with averted vision.
152mm f/5.9, 150x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
Separation from the nearby UGC 3445 is at 129x rather difficult, at 150x and 180x more or less good. The galaxy appears round, well condensed, but also pretty dim.
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 7, NELM 4m.5
Quite small, very faint, diffuse, roundish brightening. Appeared a bit fainter than UGC3446. Barely seen with averted vision.
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Both galaxies (UGC3445 & UGC3446) already seen at 37x as faint, slightly elongated brightening with averted vision. At 100x nicly separated from UGC3445, roundish with obviously brighter core area.
UGC 3484 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3484 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h34m02.18s / +58°51'41.03" |
Brightness / Size: |
b15m.6 / 1.2'×0.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4
UGC 3598 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3598 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h56m30.50s / +60°39'06.00" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.4 / 2.1'×1.1' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4
Possibly seen at 171x & 210x as very faint brightening nearby a 9.7m star, but not for sure!
UGC 3685 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3685 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h09m05.96s / +61°35'43.87" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.0 / 3.3'×2.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 37x, Bortle 4
Very faint, roundish, evenly bright, relatively large. At 100x barely seen with direct vision. Two faint stars at the edge.
UGC 3828 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3828 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h24m35.78s / +57°58'02.98" |
Brightness / Size: |
b12m.7 / 1.7'×1.1' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Roundish, evenly bright. Unfortunately the secondary mirror was wet with dew.
UGC 3855 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3855 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h28m12.99s / +58°30'24.24" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.2 / 1.9'×0.4' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Nearby a 10.03m star. Appeared as faint glow. Unfortunately the secondary mirror was wet with dew.
UGC 3867 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3867 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h29m34.07s / +57°07'01.33" |
Brightness / Size: |
b15m.3 / 1.2'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Only tried short at 100x & 150x. Unfortunately the secondary mirror was wet with dew.
UGC 3897 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3897 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h33m19.99s / +59°37'31.22" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.2 / 1.1'×0.6' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Relatively faint, more roundly. Unfortunately the secondary mirror was wet with dew.
UGC 3928 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3928 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h37m42.48s / +59°18'51.15" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.9 / 1.6'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Unfortunately the secondary mirror was wet with dew.
UGC 3943 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3943 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h39m10.95s / +59°09'40.32" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.9 / 1.3'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Unfortunately the secondary mirror was wet with dew.
UGC 3981 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3981 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h43m53.28s / +56°59'12.82" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.3 / 1.5'×0.8' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Roundish, evenly bright. Unfortunately the secondary mirror was wet with dew.
UGC 4003 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC4003 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h46m28.53s / +58°57'45.03" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.7 / 1.4'×0.6' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4
Very faint, evenly bright, appeared roundish. Unfortunately the secondary mirror was wet with dew.
UGC 4020 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC4020 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h47m58.72s / +59°00'52.35" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.2 / 1.8'×0.9' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Extremely faint, slightly oval. Unfortunately the secondary mirror was wet with dew.
UGC 4148 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC4148 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h00m23.83s / +42°11'37.40" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.8 / 2.5'×0.3' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 111x ist der schwache Stern erkennbar, der knapp nordöstlich von der Galaxie steht und mit drei weiteren helleren Sternen 10. und 11. GK ein 4' großes Parallelogramm bildet - die Superthin dagegen versteckt sich erfolgreich, auch bei höheren Vergrößerungen
UGC 4393 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC4393 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h26m04.36s / +45°58'02.84" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 2.5'×1.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.8
Faint, roundish (?) brightening. Held with averted vision.
UGC 4704 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC4704 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h59m00.28s / +39°12'35.70" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.2 / 4.1'×0.4' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 160x, SQM-L 21.3
die Sternkette, die nach Nordosten führt, ist gut zu erkennen - von der Superthin leider keine Spur