NGC 6646 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6646, UGC11258, H2.907 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h29m38.74s / +39°51'54.46" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 1.6'×1.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4
Very faint, evenly bright, roundish. I think that I only saw the bright core.
NGC 6663 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6663, UGC11276 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h33m33.69s / +40°02'56.19" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.9 / 1.0'×0.9' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4
Extremely faint, roundish brightening. Glimpsed with averted vision.
NGC 6671 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6671, UGC11299 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h37m26.16s / +26°25'01.81" |
Brightness / Size: |
b13m.8 / 1.5'×1.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.2
At 37x pretty small and faint at the end of a chain of fainter stars. At 80x evident with averted vision, still quite small, less condensed. At 150x roundish, slightly condensed and barely visible with direct vision.
NGC 6675 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6675, UGC11305 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h37m26.48s / +40°03'27.75" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.5 / 1.8'×1.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 210x, Bortle 4
At 96x barely, at 210x fairly well seen with averted vision. Slightly oval, faint, evenly bright.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 103x, SQM-L 19.7
bei 103x zeigt sich die Galaxie fast stellar, indirekt dann kompakt - bei 144x ändert sich nicht viel
NGC 6685 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6685, UGC11317 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h39m58.65s / +39°58'54.15" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.4 / 1.1'×0.9' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 200x, Bortle 4
Relatively compact, diffuse, faint, roundish to slightly oval.
NGC 6688 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6688, UGC11324 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h40m40.12s / +36°17'22.66" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 1.7'×1.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 210x, Bortle 4
Roundish, nearly evenly bright. At 96x barely seen with averted vision.
NGC 6692 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6692, UGC11330 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h41m41.85s / +34°50'37.77" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.2 / 1.0'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
Slightly oval with a bit brighter center. Overall rather faint. Nearby double star (STF2370 AB) southeast of the galaxy disturbs.
NGC 6695 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6695, UGC11340 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h42m42.72s / +40°22'00.69" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.5 / 1.1'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 210x, Bortle 4
Roundish, diffuse brightening. Easily held with averted vision.
NGC 6700 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6700, UGC11351 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h46m04.41s / +32°16'46.55" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.1 / 1.4'×1.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 80x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.3
At 80x pretty faint brightening. At 150x still faint, roundish, quite small, barely condensed.
NGC 6702 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6702, UGC11354 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h46m57.58s / +45°42'20.56" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.2 / 1.9'×1.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 200x, Bortle 4
Well seen with averted vision as diffuse brightening.
NGC 6703 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6703, UGC11356 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h47m18.84s / +45°33'02.33" |
Brightness / Size: |
11m.3 / 2.7'×2.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4
Round, diffuse, slight brightening toward the middle.
René Merting |
100mm f/6.4, 64x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 64x indirekt als schwacher nebliger Schimmer erkennbar - das Zentrum wirkt leicht heller, diffuse Ränder
12.5" f/4.5, 144x, SQM-L 20.0
bei 103x ein schöner, kompakter Nebelfleck, gut begrenzt und zur Mitte leicht heller werdend - bei 144x direkt sehr deutlich, indirekt großflächiger
NGC 6710 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6710, UGC11364 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h50m34.15s / +26°50'18.02" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.1 / 1.7'×1.1' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4+, SQM-L 21.3
Not really evident, slightly oval. barely condensed.
NGC 6713 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6713, UGC11365 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h50m44.57s / +33°57'35.35" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.4 / 0.4'×0.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 216x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
At 150x extremely faint, compact. At 216x round with slightly brighter center. Barely held with averted vision.
NGC 6745 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6745, UGC11391 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
19h01m41.62s / +40°44'37.18" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.3 / 1.3'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
Relatively faint, evenly bright, elongated (N-S) with an axial ratio of about 1:3.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 206x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 72x ist die Galaxie eingerahmt von drei Sternen im Süden und zwei Sternen im Norden sichtbar - bei 111x wirkt sie länglich und gebogen, vermutlich weil die Westseite diffuser ist - bei 160x zeigt sich NGC 6745 mit Bauch nach Osten - bei 206x wirkt die Galaxie bohnen- bzw. sichelförmig
NGC 6792 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC6792, UGC11429 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
19h20m57.41s / +43°07'57.21" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.1 / 2.2'×1.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4
Extremely faint, evenly bright. Barely seen with averted vision.
UGC 11338 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11338 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h42m41.77s / +35°37'34.96" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.5 / 0.5'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.3
UGC 11368 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11368 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h51m29.85s / +26°29'01.52" |
Brightness / Size: |
b15m.1 / 1.6'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4-, SQM-L 20.9
Slightly elongated, rather evenly bright. Well seen with averted vision.
UGC 11371 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11371 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h51m56.15s / +26°29'17.57" |
Brightness / Size: |
b15m.5 / 1.9'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4-, SQM-L 20.9
Close to faint field star, pretty faint, elongated.
UGC 11372 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11372 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h52m33.10s / +33°49'45.73" |
Brightness / Size: |
b15m.0 / 1.7'×0.4' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 111x ist indirekt das hellere Zentrum der Galaxie stellar erkennbar, für die schwachen Außenbereiche reicht es noch nicht
UGC 11380 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11380 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
18h56m51.04s / +36°37'26.11" |
Brightness / Size: |
b13m.8 / 1.5'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4-, SQM-L 20.9
Rather faint, evenly bright, oval (1:2).
UGC 11404 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11404 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
19h07m03.79s / +29°00'23.07" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.0 / 2.2'×1.4' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4-, SQM-L 20.9
Nearby a fainter field star, slightly elongated with bright, distinct, compact center. Overall pretty small.
UGC 11428 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11428 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyr |
Coordinates: |
19h20m28.54s / +30°49'31.80" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.5 / 1.2'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4-, SQM-L 20.9
Pretty faint, round, evenly bright.