IC 1441 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
IC1441 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h15m19.13s / +37°18'05.42" |
Brightness / Size: |
b15m.3 / 1.2'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 20.9
Very faint, relatively small, round brightening. Barely held with averted vision.
IC 5180 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
IC5180, UGC11938 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h11m12.02s / +38°55'38.46" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.3 / 1.1'×0.9' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.7+, SQM-L 20.8
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.7 Already seen at 66x as very faint, roundish nebula. At 133x well visible with averted vision, slightly brighter core.
IC 5191 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 5'×5'
Name: |
IC5191, UGC11963 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h15m02.45s / +37°18'01.37" |
Brightness / Size: |
b15m.0 / 1.1'×0.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 20.9
Hard to hold, very faint. But I could saw an elongation (SW-NE).
IC 5193 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 5'×5'
Name: |
IC5193 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h15m43.53s / +37°14'34.51" |
Brightness / Size: |
b16m.0 / 1.2'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 20.9
Fairly faint, roundish with slightly brighter center. Despite the given, very low magnitude this galaxy was well feasible.
NGC 7223 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7223, UGC11931, H3.862 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h10m09.15s / +41°01'02.10" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.2 / 1.7'×1.4' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.7+, SQM-L 20.8
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.7 Oval, evenly bright nebula. At 133x I could saw two stellar brightenings within the halo, but on the DSS image there is only one foreground star! I will observe this galaxy as soon as possible.
NGC 7227 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7227, UGC11942 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h11m31.34s / +38°43'16.88" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.5 / 1.3'×0.6' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.7+, SQM-L 20.8
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.7 Nearly evenly bright, oval, difficult to hold.
NGC 7228 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7228, UGC11945 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h11m48.60s / +38°41'56.95" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.5 / 2.1'×1.4' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.7+, SQM-L 20.8
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.7 Quite compact brightening. Probably only the bright core area was visible.
NGC 7240 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7240, PGC68415 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h15m22.57s / +37°16'50.41" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.2 / 0.5'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 20.9
Rather compact, roundish, fairly faint.
NGC 7242 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7242, UGC11969 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h15m39.51s / +37°17'55.48" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.2 / 2.3'×1.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.7+, SQM-L 20.8
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.6 Relatively large, roundish, slight brightening toward the middle, without distinct core. Easily seen with averted vision. At 133x oval.
NGC 7248 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7248, UGC11972, H3.863 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h16m52.58s / +40°30'15.26" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.4 / 1.8'×0.9' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 200x, Bortle 4
Diffuse, oval brightening.
NGC 7250 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7250, UGC11980, H3.864 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h18m17.78s / +40°33'44.66" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 1.7'×0.8' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4
Elongated, diffuse, slight brightening toward the middle. At the southeastern ending an 11.04m star.
NGC 7263 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7263 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h21m45.24s / +36°20'59.95" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.6 / 0.8'×0.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 20.9
Roundish, slight brightening toward the middle, relatively small.
NGC 7264 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7264, UGC12001 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h22m13.81s / +36°23'13.13" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.8 / 2.2'×0.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 200x, Bortle 4
I tried this galaxy serveral times but often without success! Only one time I glimpsed this extremely faint galaxy as thin, elongated brightening. This is a real challenge for 8 inch!
12.5" f/4.5, 215x, Bortle 4
Fairly well seen with averted vision. Obviously elongated, thin, evenly bright, but fairly faint.
NGC 7265 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7265, UGC12004 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h22m27.47s / +36°12'35.45" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.2 / 2.4'×1.9' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 20.9
Slightly oval with distinct, roundish and brighter core. An evident star chain SE.
NGC 7274 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7274, UGC12026 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h24m11.07s / +36°07'33.03" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.8 / 1.5'×1.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 200x, Bortle 4
Very faint brightening.
NGC 7330 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7330, UGC12111 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h36m56.19s / +38°32'52.79" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.2 / 1.8'×1.7' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 96x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.7+, SQM-L 20.8
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.7 Roundish, evenly bright, relatively small.
NGC 7426 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC7426, UGC12256, H3.576 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h56m02.86s / +36°21'40.72" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.3 / 1.6'×1.2' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 144x, SQM-L 21.0
ab 144x tritt die Galaxie aus dem Glanz des Doppelsterns HJ 975 hervor - ein gut abgegrenzter Nebelball, indirekt größer, rund und homogen hell
UGC 11919 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11919 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h08m10.57s / +41°10'38.37" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.8 / 1.6'×1.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.7+, SQM-L 20.8
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.7 Roundish, evenly bright, extremely faint. Difficult to hold.
UGC 11927 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11927 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h09m27.44s / +40°59'23.05" |
Brightness / Size: |
b15m.4 / 1.3'×1.0' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.7+, SQM-L 20.8
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.7
UGC 11950 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC11950 |
Type: |
Gx, Sy2 |
Constellation: |
Lac |
Coordinates: |
22h12m31.54s / +38°40'58.49" |
Brightness / Size: |
b14m.3 / 1.7'×1.2' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 4-, NELM 5m.7+, SQM-L 20.8
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.7 Seen directly besides an 11.43m star as diffuse brightening. The shape wasn't clearly perceptible.