IC 2233 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
IC2233, UGC4278 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h13m58.91s / +45°44'31.74" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 4.6'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
120mm f/5, 85x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
The 13.07 mag star in the northern part of the galaxy I could easily see with averted vision. The galaxy stayed hidden.
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 6+, NELM 5m.2, SQM-L 19.6
At 100x just a hint of a galaxy at the limit of perception. At 150x the galaxy appeared as faint, elongated, thin glow. North of the galaxy an apparent field star.
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Relatively easily seen as very faint, elongated & thin brightening with averted vision. Just an evenly bright glow. Nearby an interfering 10.16 mag star. Faint 13.15 mag star inside the nothern extension. Bright NGC2537 (Bear Paw) 17' northwest.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 72x zeigt sich ein dünner zarter Strich stellarem Zentrum - die Galaxie steht schön westlich eines helleren Sterns - bei 111x blinkt leicht nördlich vom Zentrum der Galaxie immer wieder der Vordergrundstern durch - Ausdehnung 5:1
NGC 2424 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2424, UGC3959 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
07h40m39.32s / +39°14'00.30" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.6 / 3.6'×0.5' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 133x, Bortle 4
Small, slightly elongated, faint.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 72x Sichtbarkeit an der Wahrnehmungsgrenze, indirekt ist eine schwache OW-ausgedehnte Aufhellung erkennbar - die Superthin liegt schön diagonal zwischen zwei Sternen - bei 111x wird die Sichtbarkeit besser und hin und wieder blitzt die wahre Länge durch - das Zentrum wirkt dicker und heller
NGC 2826 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
NGC2826, UGC4939 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
09h19m24.19s / +33°37'26.06" |
Brightness / Size: |
13m.6 / 1.6'×0.3' |
Robert Zebahl |
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 5
Elongated, evenly bright, tapering endings. Held with averted vision fairly well.
UGC 3445 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC3445 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
06h21m32.76s / +59°07'36.07" |
Brightness / Size: |
12m.4 / 1.5'×0.3' |
Worthwile! Together with UGC3446 an enexpectedly bright pair of galaxies. Both galaxies fairly easily seen with 8 inch, even under a suburban sky.
Robert Zebahl |
102mm f/11, 160x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
Almost permanently seen as very faint brightening with averted vision. Seeing the galaxies UGC 3445/6 separated was almost impossible.
4.5" f/8, 128x, Bortle 7, NELM 4m.5
4.5" f/8, 100x, Bortle 4, NELM 6m.0
Roundish, diffuse. Slightly brighter than UGC3446. Fairly easily held with averted vision.
152mm f/5.9, 150x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
Separation from the nearby UGC 3446 is at 129x rather difficult, at 150x and 180x more or less good. The galaxy appears elongated, moderately condensed, but also pretty dim.
8" f/6, 171x, Bortle 7, NELM 4m.5
Quite small, faint, diffuse, roundish brightening. Appeared a bit brighter than UGC3446.
8" f/6, 100x, Bortle 4
Both galaxies (UGC3445 & UGC3446) already seen at 37x as faint, slightly elongated brightening with averted vision. At 100x nicly separated from UGC3446, roundish with obviously brighter core area. No elongation seen.
UGC 4148 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC4148 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h00m23.83s / +42°11'37.40" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.8 / 2.5'×0.3' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 111x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 111x ist der schwache Stern erkennbar, der knapp nordöstlich von der Galaxie steht und mit drei weiteren helleren Sternen 10. und 11. GK ein 4' großes Parallelogramm bildet - die Superthin dagegen versteckt sich erfolgreich, auch bei höheren Vergrößerungen
UGC 4704 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: |
UGC4704 |
Type: |
Gx |
Constellation: |
Lyn |
Coordinates: |
08h59m00.28s / +39°12'35.70" |
Brightness / Size: |
14m.2 / 4.1'×0.4' |
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 160x, SQM-L 21.3
die Sternkette, die nach Nordosten führt, ist gut zu erkennen - von der Superthin leider keine Spur