Robert Zebahl |
120mm f/5, 108x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.5 Towards horizon the sky was unfortunately a bit hazy. At 108x the halo around the 9.43 mag star seemed to be a bit irregular, but I didn't saw the galaxy for sure. I also tried it at 50x and 75x. But I'm pretty sure, that the galaxy could be seen with this aperture under better conditions.
8" f/6, 80x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.5 At 80x obviously oval / slightly elongated shape (NE-SW), getting somewhat brighter toward the middle. At 150x the galaxy appeared very elongated. At both magnifications quite easily seen with averted vision.
René Merting |
12.5" f/4.5, 206x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 111x ist die Superthin als zarter langer Schimmer sichtbar, der knapp am Stern vorbei zu zeigen scheint - zur Mitte hin wird die Galaxie heller - kurz vor dem nordöstlichen Ende leuchtet immer etwas stellar auf - bei 206x zeigt sich eine richtig schöne Spindel im Nordosten verzieren zwei Vordergrundsterne die Galaxie